Saturday, July 31, 2004

Choices And Wolrd View

I was arguing politics with my friend Dan the other day, and he said, "you
just base who you vote for on religious beliefs." "Yeah? So, what?" I replied.
And that pretty much ended the discussion. What I should have said to him
was that everyone bases all their decisions based on their world view. You
can't divorce yourself from it, even if you don't realize what it is.

Now, no one person's world view is perfectly correct. How could it be?
But that is not to say that every world view is equally valid. Let's take my
friend Dan...please. No, just kidding. Anyway, Dan believes that there are no
moral absolutes, which allows him to be for socialized medicine and and
punitive taxation of the wealthy, but also be against big government. How
does that work?
Of course, it works for him because big government only consists of things
such as: them telling us what we can watch, what we can do in our
bedrooms, and what we can say. But does not consist of things such as:
telling us how much money we can make, big bloated government
beaurocrasies, like the one that would have to oversee a universal health care
program, and federal funding of education.

Of course I could probably point out flaws in my own world view, but I'll
leave that for other people. My point is, I can only make choices based on
what I think is right. No one can be 100% all the time or any of the time, for
that matter. Everyday we have to make choices the best we can based on the
tools God gave us. Carefully examine the results of each choice and ask God
for guidance and you will see where to correct yourself.

Friday, July 30, 2004


Just testing