Monday, August 29, 2005

I Hate the Radio

On one side you got AOR and Top Forty pumping out the same songs it's been playing for the last thirty years. On the other side you got freaky hippie leftists playing obscure crap because if it is obscure it's got to be good, right?

Can't I just have people who know what is good music play the music they like. There is some of this on both sides, but it all goes back to what I was writing about before with the recognizing the artist and not the art. There are people who just have good taste. I know this sounds obvious, but if it is so obvious, why is there so much bad and or overplayed music being played?

I think there is fallacious idea going around, in the name of diversity, that the more people that do something the better off we are. In other words: it would always be a bad thing if a few people with truly good taste had most of the say in what music is heard by the public.

Now, you might say that I'm doing a good job at describing what Clear Channel is trying to do. But the fact that I hate Clear Channel should be clear to any reasonably intelligent person.

"The problem with our culture is that we don't know how to recognize genius," I said at party this past summer.

"What's your definition of genius?" my brother, very perceptively, asked.

I told him and the audience of my sister, her husband, and one of my sister's friend that I thought pretty much everyone had certain amount of genius, even if it's ditch digging genius. The problem is that some people get the idea that certain tasks are below them because of the status a culture places on certain jobs. Remember the "dot-com" boom of the 90's when everyone had have some kind of IT degree, because that was were the money, and more importantly the status, was?

When we lose the need to follow a divine mandate, we lose the ability to recognize our own genius and the genius of others.

Geez, all I wanted to say was how much I hated the radio and I spent the last hour dredging my brain for anything philosophical that I could fit into this particular subject.

Jesus and War

Everyone one is guilty
We all got prints on the gun
If only the pure can do things
No work would ever get done

On and on and on the self-righteous
will condemn self-righteousness

Only the Sith deal in absolutes!

Thursday, August 25, 2005

I have a job!

Would you like some philosophy with you donuts and coffee? Yes, that is right, I will start my new job at Dunkin Donuts tomorrow morning.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Sunset at Minnewaska

What a beautiful night it was!

The Family

That's my sister and her husaband with kids and my mom in the back.

Cool View

I took this one of my brother taking in a great view at Minnewaska.

Me and Some French Girls

These are my sister's step daughters. They love their uncle Geoff


This is me and my brother at Minnewaska State Park in New Paltz, NY.

Leeloo The Terrible

This is my brother's new kitten, Leeloo, as in Milla Jovovich's character in The Fifth Element. She also spent last weekend at my sister and brother-in-law's house. My French brother-in-law has two daughter's, eleven and thirteen, from a previous marriage. Though they live with their mother in France, they spend their summers here. They wanted to see the new kitten so my brother made the hour-and-a-half drive with her on Saturday. Now, my sister already has two adult cats. Zach is a surly, old, long haired, black cat, who doesn't particularly like other cats. Pixel is a stupid, but playful white and grey cat.

Everyone thought that it was a good idea to bring her, I wasn't so sure. Leeloo is a great cat but she is very aggressive in her playing. The shortest way to put it is that she is an Alpha Female. I didn't say anything because she is so much smaller than the other two cats, what could she hurt.

Well to say the least within an hour being there she was queen of the house. This petite three month old kitten was hissing at and chasing around two cats that were twice the size of her. She even ate their food! Even I hadn't foreseen that. It was friggen hilarious.

The little French girls loved her of course; she'll chase a piece of string for hours.

But all ended well. The other cats just stayed out of her way the rest of the time and she came home Sunday night.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Everyone Should See This

If you're a Rush fan, a drummer, or if you have a pulse, you need to go here and see this:

You will not be disappointed.

Ryoko Hirosue Is Hot

I spent the weekend at my sister and brother-in-law's house just outside of Poughkeepsie, NY. My brother-in-law is French and we watch this French film called
"Wasabi", about this French Cop (Jean Reno) who finds out that his estranged Japanese girlfriend has just died and he has a 19-year-old daughter that he never knew about. His daughter is played by Japanese idol Ryoko Hirosue, and she is just plain amazing! And she's not just a pretty face. She has that quality that you just can't take your eyes off of, even if she was half as beautiful as she is. It is easy to spot but impossible to define; Pure unadulterated charisma. And her acting is incredible. There was not a moment in the film where she wasn't absolutely believable, no tear was forced no smile was fake. Hollywood should take note of this 25-year-old.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Is That All You Got?

When the skeptic says that science has proven the nonexistence of God, is he trying to tell me that there is nothing beyond what we can experience? So, let me get this straight science has proven that there is nothing beyond the scope of science because it is not scientifically verifiable? That is the same as a man who says, "There can't be anything beyond my understanding, because I don't understand it."

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Pissed Off Letter To guitar center

So I answer five questions on a website and you know I am not capable of selling drums? What is up with that? I love going into a guitar center and buying stuff. I always got the impression that it was a great company. Everyone is nice, so, I figured that the people who run the company must be pretty cool too. I guess I was wrong. You know, this is the kind of small minded stuff that turns people off to big business. I'm not even sure I want to spend another dime at your stores. I guess I could just be over reacting and you might have a perfectly good explanation, but I'm pretty sure I will not get one. So, you can just completely disregard this email and not expect to see another red penny of my money. That probably doesn't mean much and I may never make enough money for it to mean anything to a big company like guitar center, but you never know.

Can I give you some advice. The world is changing and the way business was run for last twenty-some-odd years isn't going to work anymore. What I see happening in the near future is a return of the community. People live so spread out from each other. We thought this would bring greater privacy and freedom from the judgmental values of others. But, all it brought was a sense of profound isolation and loneliness. Now, you might be asking, "what does this have to do with guitar center?" Well, as people move back into small communities again, which is already happening in places (communities with their own, self contained downtowns), it will leave less room for bigger businesses. BALDERDASH! You might protest. But I say that this one little shift in the culture is what could mitigate many of the biggest problems that we face today.

If this makes any sense to anybody reading you should check out my blog @