Friday, July 01, 2005

God Is a Relative Term?

I got on Glenn Beck this afternoon! It was after the regular radio show was over so it wasn't on national radio. But all the Glenn Beck insiders, the subscribers to the website, heard it. He had two guests discussing Scientology, one was a skeptic the other a woman who does PR for the Church of Scientology.

First the skeptic went through a litany of claims about the church's beliefs. Among other things, He said that they believe that an alien being from a million years ago did some bad stuff to some other alien beings, rip their spirits out of their bodies, and sent the disembodied spirits to eternally wander the earth. Through time man evolved and these spirits attached themselves and all their bad stuff to us and that is reason for all the bad stuff plaguing mankind.

The other claim relevant to the topic at was that the they don't believe in the existence of God.

When the PR lady came on and was asked about the alien junk, she was like "OH, NO YOU DIDN'T!"...Um sorry, that was on Mauri Povich. Anyway, there were a few of her responses that just didn't fit together. Her answer to the alien stuff was that it was a small part of the religion, you didn't have to believe it, and that if a member did believe it then it was true for them.

Her response about their beliefs about God was truly striking. She quoted L. Ron Hubbard saying something like disbelief in God was stupid and if you want to do bad things to a society you remove the concept of God from it. Therefore proving that you can be a Christian and a Scientologist...Yeah right.

But that isn't what concerns me. I could go off and find some of his other quotes to contradict this, but I'm to lazy. Why waste mental energy when the philosophy here is so shoddy.

Her first answer implied a relativistic point of view. I had heard that the church's view on absolute reality swung this way and this lady just proved it. My question is how do you square that with a belief in an all powerful absolute deity? You can't. If God exists than objective right and wrong must exist. I know, I know. "Our concept of God is different from yours", then it's not the God I worship, and you can't be a Christian and be a Scientologist. At least not a well informed biblical Christian.

So what is my point here? I don't want to give the impression that I'm one of these back-woods fundamentalists but I'm to lazy to get further into right now except to say that I think that relativism is a bastardization of a truth of reality. Absolute truth exists and his name is Jesus. The flaw is our understanding of the truth.

Oh yeah, when I finally got on air I was nervous and all I got out was the relativism part of my argument. But it lead to some good radio so I wasn't too upset. I should have prepared my argument when I was on hold. Oh well, next time.


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