I Hate the Radio
Can't I just have people who know what is good music play the music they like. There is some of this on both sides, but it all goes back to what I was writing about before with the recognizing the artist and not the art. There are people who just have good taste. I know this sounds obvious, but if it is so obvious, why is there so much bad and or overplayed music being played?
I think there is fallacious idea going around, in the name of diversity, that the more people that do something the better off we are. In other words: it would always be a bad thing if a few people with truly good taste had most of the say in what music is heard by the public.
Now, you might say that I'm doing a good job at describing what Clear Channel is trying to do. But the fact that I hate Clear Channel should be clear to any reasonably intelligent person.
"The problem with our culture is that we don't know how to recognize genius," I said at party this past summer.
"What's your definition of genius?" my brother, very perceptively, asked.
I told him and the audience of my sister, her husband, and one of my sister's friend that I thought pretty much everyone had certain amount of genius, even if it's ditch digging genius. The problem is that some people get the idea that certain tasks are below them because of the status a culture places on certain jobs. Remember the "dot-com" boom of the 90's when everyone had have some kind of IT degree, because that was were the money, and more importantly the status, was?
When we lose the need to follow a divine mandate, we lose the ability to recognize our own genius and the genius of others.
Geez, all I wanted to say was how much I hated the radio and I spent the last hour dredging my brain for anything philosophical that I could fit into this particular subject.