Wednesday, July 06, 2005

The Significance of Insignificance

I was in the philosophy section of my local Barnes and Noble tonight and I picked up a book, which was called Critiques of God, by Peter A. Angeles. In the preface the author listed some of the classic arguments for the existence for God and explained that the book was supposed to offer arguments to them.

He then explained that he knows that people less sophisticated than he need to believe in God to give their lives purpose and significance. Then he said (paraphrasing as always) he lives an insignificant life on a tiny planet and he didn't need to make himself the center of the universe to find comfort.

So let me get this right Pete, your life is so insignificant you felt the need to write a book about it? And what this center of the universe nonsense? Are you trying to tell me that when you got rid of God you replaced Him with something else besides yourself? If so, what was it? Your family? Service to others? Do onto others what you woul...?

Also, If there is no significance to any of this, why is it wrong to believe in the existence of God? Is it wrong? If it is, how do you posit a epistemological value on it, or anything else, without an absolute? Or, do you know it is wrong because it makes you feel bad? In that case, where do get off implying that my belief is based on emotions when your non-belief is just as emotional?

Or is the problem that, you believe in some sort of objective right and wrong, you just don't like it to be referred to as God? I believe that if you affirm something that is true, regardless of your own intentions, you affirm something about Jesus, because he said he is the Truth.

You "modern" thinkers amaze me! You think you've come so far since the days of Aristotle. You call it progress to rip out the foundations of causality, but all I can see from my side is an infinite regress back into Plato's Cave.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey I heard you on the Etcetera show podcast today. I am a musician as well. I liked reading your blog and wanted to wish you well in music. Take care. Jeff

3:12 PM  

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